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John & The Squad 

This paragraph is a great way to introduce your band to your potential clients. A brief introduction is a great way to start - remember that being creative can go a long way!

Click here to add or edit your text. You can also add bold or italic font treatments, bulleted lists or text links by highlighting the text you would like to change and clicking the appropriate selection in the pop-up. The slideshow gallery is what will greet your clients, no make sure you pick the photos that you find most suitable. There's no specific number of images you can add, but you don't want your visitors to get stuck on the first page; instead, you want them to go deep in your website and find out more about you and your music.

Listen Now

  • This website template targets bands and music performers. Its structure is simple and easy to navigate, its design is fresh and cool, and each page has editable content that exceeds your wildest expectations. This particular paragraph links out to your demos.