
This is the page where the business conversation takes place. A review of your previous gigs, your crowds or playlists is a great way to get started. Top the content off with a nice slideshow and you're halfway through the door. The rest is up to you and whether your visitors think you are the right band for their big day. Still, this website template is designed to add reliability and professionalism to your business, while still keeping a fresh and cool vibe. The full bleed layout is super responsive to any mobile device, so no worries there. The wide footer gives your visitors access to your contact information on each and every page they might find themselves on. The social icon are smack in the navigation bar, so they're more than easy to find. Speaking of which, the contact button in the footer is basically an invitation to get in touch with you. We'll just say this: A party is being planned right now and someone is looking for an awesome band to perform. So go on, stand out from the crowd with your smashing new hit of a website today!




No matter the device you use to access your site, it will always look and move flawlessly. Check it out for yourself with a free trial! Price – $450



The website template is ready to take all of your content, lions and tigers and B-sides and all! No cowbell, because that's too specific. Price – $500



If you have any, and we do mean any, questions or need help setting up your website or account, please do let us know. We care and love to help. Price – $ 650